Rudy Yakym


Rudy Yakym is a fourth-generation Hoosier who is proud to represent the people of Indiana’s Second District. As a Christian, family man and conservative, Rudy is working tirelessly to bring common sense, conservative values to Washington, D.C.

As your Congressman, I have witnessed firsthand the broken state of affairs in Washington, D.C. Our nation’s capital has become a cesspool of partisan gridlock, bureaucratic overreach, and a general disconnect from the needs and values of the American people.

Throughout my career, I have remained steadfast in my conservative principles and unwavering commitment to limited government, individual liberty, and fiscal responsibility. I understand that the power should reside with the people and their elected representatives, not in the hands of an ever-expanding federal bureaucracy.

I firmly believe that government should be accountable, transparent, and focused on its core responsibilities. It is my mission to cut through the red tape, dismantle unnecessary regulations, and streamline government agencies to ensure they operate efficiently and effectively. We must restore the proper balance between federal and state powers, allowing for greater local control and decision-making.

It is time to put America first, restore accountability, and build a stronger, more prosperous future for all Americans.

It is time to put America first, restore accountability, and build a stronger, more prosperous future for all Americans. Find out how you can get involved with our campaign.

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